Title I School-Level Parental Involvement Policy

Searles Elementary School has developed a written Title I parental/guardian involvement policy with input from Title I parents/guardians at a series of School Site Council Meetings. As a designated Title I school, all Searles parents/guardians will receive the Title I parental/guardian involvement policy in students’ Thursday envelopes as well as the district Dialer System in both English and Spanish. This policy describes the means for carrying out the following Title I parental/guardian involvement requirements. [Title I Parental Involvement, 20 USC 6318(a)-(f)]

Involvement of Parents in the Title I Program

As a designated Title I school, Searles’ parents/guardians are invited to be involved in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of its Title I programs and the Title I parental/guardian involvement policy.

The school offers a flexible number of meetings, such as meetings in the morning, after school or evening, and may provide, with Title I funds, transportation, child care, or home visits, as such services relate to parent/guardian involvement. (20 USC 6318 (c)(2)

  • Parent/guardian informational meeting to present Title I requirements and rights (held on August 23, 2023)
  • Coffee with the principal to provide updates on Title I (1x per month from 8:10 – 9:10 AM)
  • Parent/Guardian Engagement (Parent/Guardian Conferences, Back to School, Open House)
  • Provides parents/guardians of Title I students with an explanation of the curriculum, academic assessments and proficiency levels students are expected to meet.
  • School Site Council (SSC) meetings (1x per month). Changes to the Title I programs are voted and approved at SSC meetings. The Single Plan for Student Achievement is developed and approved at SSC meetings.
  • ELAC Meetings.
  • Parents may request meetings with teachers and administrators at any time.
  • Electronic Engagement (district surveys, dialers, website, virtual meetings, social media, apps.)

School-Parent Compact

Searles Elementary School has jointly developed and distributed to parents/guardians of Title I students a school-parent/guardian compact that outlines how parents/guardians, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. The compact also describes how the school and parents will develop a partnership to help children reach proficiency on the California content standards. The school-parent/guardian compact describes the following items in addition to items added by parents/guardians of Title I students:

  • The school’s responsibility is to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction.
  • The parents/guardians responsibility is to support their children’s learning.
  • The importance of ongoing communication between parents and teachers through, at least, annual conferences, reports on student progress, access to staff, and opportunities to volunteer and participate in and observe the educational program.

The school-parent/guardian compact was created at a SSC meeting. It is updated annually with input from parents/guardians and staff.


Searles Elementary School provides opportunities for all Title I parents/guardians to participate, including those with limited English proficiency, disabilities, low socioeconomic status, and migratory students. This includes providing information and school reports in a form and language parents understand. Newsletters and other important information are translated into Spanish.